The Best Infectious Disease Laboratory: Catalyst Diagnostic Laboratory
Diagnostic testing can be extremely helpful when treating patients, but waiting for the results can often cause stress and anxiety in both the patients and the healthcare providers. At Catalyst Diagnostic Laboratory, we take pride in offering fast, accurate results. When you work with us, we can provide you with the test results you need so that you can provide your patients with the treatments they need in a timely manner. Continue reading below to learn why you should work with Catalyst Diagnostic Laboratory in Lansing today!
Talk Directly With a Scientist
When you’re waiting on crucial results, you want to be able to discuss the results directly with the person who performed the test. Unfortunately, some of the bigger companies make it impossible to do that. However, when you work with Catalyst Diagnostic Laboratory, we connect you directly with a scientist, allowing you to discuss the results and receive any other information that is necessary to provide your patient with the care they need.
Easy to Read Results/Paperwork
It’s no secret that sometimes test results can be difficult to comprehend. That’s why, at Catalyst Diagnostic Laboratory, we provide you with easy-to-read results that give you a straight answer. Gone are the days of you trying to figure out what each test means and what the outcome is. Our system provides simple results that make your job more efficient.
Fast & Accurate Test Results
Fast results may not always be accurate, and accurate results may not always be fast, but at Catalyst Diagnostic Laboratory, our results are both! For example, COVID tests often take three to five days for most labs, but at our laboratory, we are able to provide you with COVID test results in 24 hours. Additionally, we take pride in our results, so you can always rest assured that the results you receive are accurate.
Infectious Disease Panel/Testing
Sometimes the symptoms aren’t always what they seem, and you may have a patient who is presenting symptoms that just don’t add up. For those specific cases, Catalyst Diagnostic Laboratory can help! We offer infectious disease panels and testing, allowing you to check your patient for a variety of conditions.
At Catalyst Diagnostic Laboratory, we’re proud to work with physicians, clinics, small hospitals, and more! If you are looking for diagnostic testing that can provide you with fast, accurate results, we are here to help. Reach out to our team to start working with us today!